Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 2 EOC: Photo Challenge

Paparazzi a term coined for photographers who tend to hover around celebrity hot spots waiting to catch that perfect photo of a celebrity doing something that the photographer can then turn around and sell to a magazine or newspaper. The term was also given to the photographers because they tend to be like the blood sucking insect from which their name comes from. Personally I do not care for most of these photographers; however there are a few paparazzi that shoot in a more photojournalistic manner still trying to catch the perfect shot of a celebrity or public official yet doing it in a manner that shows that they do have some morals. I can respect the paparazzi photographers that take a photojournalistic or street photography approach to their work. The ones that I really have an issue with are the ones who go out of their way to invade someone privacy and take the photographs that they then try to sell for profit.
It is along these lines that I chose to shoot my above picture of a paparazzi photographer, from my perspective this is all that you would see in most cases if you were a celebrity being hounded by the paparazzi. I wanted to shoot a shallow depth of field so that the lens was the main thing in focus and the camera body and photographer which is me would fall out of focus. The shot is cropped tightly so that the focus is on the in your face attitude of the camera lens. The image is a reflection of myself and my camera in a mirror, shot with a 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 macro lens. I also used and on camera flash to light the photograph and give the spots on the lens to make it appear as if there were other cameras and flashes going off at the same time as I was taking the photograph.

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