I think that for me as a photographer my love for photography started at a very young age and like most photographers there was something that inspired me and captivated me about photographing the natural world. I grew up living in smaller rural areas of Utah and Colorado, working or at least enjoying the time spent on my grandparents farm, as well as, camping and doing all sorts of outdoor activities with my family growing up. Another of the things that inspired me in photography was National Geographic Magazine as well as all of it’s programming on TV. I as always captivated by the people, places, and wildlife featured in each issue and program. That same captivation and motivation still drives me in my passion to capture the natural world. I have always dreamed to travel the world and photograph those peoples, places,animals and plants that were at risk of vanishing from the Earth forever. My driving factor in this was and still is to preserve life in all of its many forms through photographs, so that in the sad and terrible case that one of those life forms vanishes forever we as a human race have a record of it to show our children and their children. This image of a grey wolf in the snow shot by National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore is one of many like it over the years that have inspired me to become the photographer I am today. It is a goal of mine that through my hard work and continued growth in photography that I will one day become like Joel Sartone and many others and have my own work showcased in the pages of National Geographic magazine. I plan of also becoming like another of my Inspirations Art Wolfe and have my own photographic business that will help to preserve and conserve the planets natural world.
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